Girlfriend is angry after boyfriend saves woman by pretending with her

I helped a woman who was being harassed by pretending to be her boyfriend – now my girlfriend is furious, and people say I should dump her 

  • A man, believed to be from the US, revealed he’d upset his girlfriend on Reddit 
  • READ MORE: Man reveals he took his own seat on a flight after his wife insisted on going to buy coffee 

A man has revealed how his girlfriend was left furious after he pretended to be somebody else’s partner – but everyone thinks she is in the wrong.

The anonymous man, believed to be from the US, shared a post on Reddit questioning if he was wrong to have pretended another girl was his girlfriend.

He explained they had been enjoying a night on the town when he’d come across a distressed woman with a strange man, and quickly stepped in to help.

However he said when he spoke to his girlfriend about the situation, she had become enraged and questioned ‘why he had stayed after the creep had left.’

Other users were left baffled by the post, with one writing: ‘You did what a real man should do. Your girlfriend is being insecure, and if she had her way, that girl could’ve been assaulted or worse. I hope she never finds herself in that situation.’

An anonymous man, believed to be from the US, shared a post on Reddit questioning if he was wrong to have pretended another girl was his girlfriend (stock image) 

The girlfriend quickly shut her partner down telling him to ‘stop flipping it’, after expressing her discontent regarding his actions 

Writing on the Reddit forum, the man explained he had been out with his girlfriend and their friends when he had headed outside for a quick smoke.

Standing a stone’s throw away from the bar, the man spotted a distressed woman with a strange man closely on her heels.

The odd man was seemingly badgering the woman for her number and pestering her with unwanted compliments, uncomfortably pleading with her to ‘just’ talk to him.

The anxious lady quickly approached the already taken man, saying: ‘Hey, baby, I’m glad you’re waiting where you said you would.’

Quickly piecing together what was going on and the potential danger the woman could be in, the man answered: ‘Hey, honey, been waiting for you.’

He revealed on a Reddit thread that although the woman – who was an acquaintance to him – had her arm draped around him for longer than appreciated, the unusual man only left because of him.

The boyfriend wrote: ‘The guy left but not because she wanted him to leave, because I kept insisting.’

The chivalrous man then booked an Uber home for the distraught woman, but unfortunately for him, his doesn’t perceive his actions as permissible.

Avoiding having a public fallout, his girlfriend angrily queried her partner as to why he had helped the frantic woman, after spotting them together from the bar.

She then dismissed the courageous man and told him to ‘stop flipping it’ when he asked her: ‘If you were her, what would you have wanted the guy to do?’

Reddit users have been left stunned and some disgusted by the girlfriends response to the man’s act of heroism.

Some branded him a ‘total hero’ and an ‘ally to womankind’, thanking him for his gallantry.

One wrote: ‘You don’t need a girlfriend who won’t support other women like this. Jealousy should have its limits.’

Some even went as far as to say he should dump his girlfriend over her reaction.

One person stated: ‘If your girl doesn’t see what you did as beautiful and kind, perhaps start looking for a new girl. Save yourself from headaches.’

Another continued: ‘But as they say, no good deed goes unpunished. If this is how you learn that your girlfriend won’t trust you, then that might be the end of the line for both of you.’

However, others tried to see things from the girlfriends stance, commenting: ‘I can understand your girlfriend being confused and upset in the moment, but she should have calmed down once the situation became clear. 

‘Thank you for helping that girl without fussing or raising suspicion from the other guy.’ 

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