I got death threats for saying I'd only spend £100 on my kids at Xmas

I got death threats after saying I’d only spend £100 on each of my children at Christmas

  •  Hannah Canavan (@hannahhomeeducates) is a single mother to three children
  •  She has sparked debate among parents with her Christmas on a budget videos
  •  The mum recently defended herself and revealed why she spends £100 per kid

A TikToker has received death threats after revealing why she chooses to stick to a budget of £100 for each of her children at Christmas.

Hannah Canavan, also known as Hannah Home Educates, is a single mother to three youngsters.

Last year, she sparked a lot of debate amongst parents with her ‘Christmas on a budget videos,’ where she explained she would only spend £100 on each of her kids’ presents.

The influencer has returned this year to say she plans to take the same approach again this festive season, prompting another wave of backlash.

She recently posted a video, slamming a comment that suggested she spends more money on herself than she does her children – it quickly racked up over 453,000 views.

Replying to @leannechristie186 I’m just gonna assume from now on that the people who comment this stuff don’t see my other videos 🤷‍♀️ I hope that people find my Christmas on a budget videos helpful and reassuring, both for people who don’t have a load of disposable income at the moment and people who believe that just because you have it doesn’t mean you should spend extravagantly for one day of the year. #christmasonabudget #christmasgiftideas #christmas2023 #budgetchristmasgifts #secondhandchristmas #singleparent

A TikToker has revealed why she chooses to stick to a budget of £100 for each of her children at Christmas 

In the video, the mum was replying to a comment that reads ‘I find it crazy because you obviously have money to spend on makeup and to have your nails done, these two things alone would be almost £100’.

She responded ‘ So, last year when I did my Christmas on a budget series, which was that each of three my children got £100 spent on them, I actually got death threats.

‘As unhinged as that seems, a lot of them revolve around ideas about this (comment) which was generally the narrative that I spend more money on myself than I do on my kids.

‘I read this comment and I was like ‘are you mad?’ honestly that was my first reaction.

Then I realised this person might not follow me, they might not have seen a video of mine be so fair enough.’

She continued to explain ‘You might not know me, my name’s Hannah, I’m a single parent to three children. I have a boyfriend, he doesn’t live with us, and I home educate my three kids.

‘My kids liked doing Christmas on a budget, they agreed to it, it gave them some structure.

‘I’ve got one who’s autistic who really appreciated that because it gave her a sense of structure and boundaries. 

She recently posted a video, slamming a comment that suggested she spends more money on herself than she does her children – it quickly racked up over 453,000 views

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‘I don’t have to do Christmas on a budget. The reason that I thought about doing it is cause I could see so many people are really stressed about Christmas and my kid’s life is so ridiculously privileged and lucky and Christmas isn’t really the biggest deal to us.

‘If I’m gonna not go over the top in an area of life, Christmas is fine for us to hold back on a little bit.’

She clarifies that she ‘could get them new gadgets and flash designer gear’ if she wanted to but she’s choosing not to.

Going into her reasons, she said ‘One is that my kids are home educated and so things that you might get for Christmas, they are getting throughout the year.

‘So if m kids say to me, can we get a bracelet making kit, they generally get it pretty-much then because it’s part of their education.

‘Another thing is we travel so much and this year my kids have been to Disneyland Paris in Janurary, they’ve been to this beautiful vegan farm in Cornwall a couple of times to stay. 

‘We went to Turkey for two weeks all inclusive, we just went to the south of France again and we have the trip of a lifetime coming up in November for three or four weeks.

 ‘They also got to Homer groups which are paid drop-off groups, all of my money and all of my life has been set up to center around my kids.’

She added ‘As a parent, I want my kids to be balanced and appreciative so I’m not gonna get the every single thing on a whim just because I could.

‘I don’t think that’s good for kids and I don’t think it’s good for adults either. 

‘I am consciously holding back and maybe some people find that really weird and would buy their kids everything if they could but that’s not what I’m gonna do.

The TikToker concluded ‘I’m gonna priorities experiences and classes over stuff on one day of the year’.

Flocks of other parents were quick to come Hannah’s defense and support her decision, with one writing ‘The people who get it, get it. The people who don’t, don’t. You are smashing it! Presence over presents all day long’.

Another added ‘if I spent £100 per person in my house it’s still £500 in total for one day, why do people get so mad about it, £100 is more than enough’.

Someone else chimed in with ‘what? someone is actually saying that £100 per child is so little??? I think it’s actually too much’. 

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