I tried the world's hottest crisp to win £100 – it wasn't worth it

I tried the world’s hottest crisp to win £100 – and it wasn’t worth the pain

  • Omer Majid, 21, took to the streets of London with the dangerously hot crisp
  • Read More: Love Island intruder Omer Majid broke into villa to get girls number 

A woman had an extreme reaction to eating ‘world’s hottest crisp’ to win £100. 

YouTube prankster Omer Majid, 21, took to the streets of London with the dangerously hot crisp, offering it to passers-by and filming them for a TikTok video.

In the clip, which racked up over 8.2 million views, he offered one woman £100 to eat ‘the world’s hottest chip’, a corn tortilla chip which is seasoned with Carolina Reaper and Trinidad Scorpion Moruga spices.

The chip, which retails online for £9, isn’t suitable for children or pregnant women because people who try it can experience extreme burning in the mouth, blurred vision or breathing difficulties for a short period of time.

When a woman finally agreed, he went onto explain that she could not drink any liquids for 10 minutes after swallowing the spicy crisp or she would fail the task.

A woman had an extreme reaction to eating ‘world’s hottest crisp’ after accepting £100 from YouTube prankster Omer Majid

Putting gloves on to hand the crisp over he said: ‘So this is spicy, for 10 minutes you can’t drink any water, eat it.’

The woman put the crisp in her mouth and immediately started gagging and coughing.

Omer said: ‘Oh s*** is it bad? How spicy is it from one to 10?’ 

The volunteered replied: ‘I need milk, it’s a 12.’

Jumping up and down and moaning in pain she said: ‘I want my mum. This is not worth £100.’

Onlookers gave the girl some encouragement saying: ‘You got this!’

Omer told her she could give up whenever she wanted, and offered her some water.

‘Then this would have been for nothing, that makes no sense, how long do I have left?’ she asked. 

After being told she has six minutes left, the woman was close to drinking milk when onlookers gave her more encouragement.

The strangers said: ‘Do not take it, do not take it! You’re a woman you have been through worse, you have been through more pain than this. You might have to give birth one day.

Omer took to the streets of London with the dangerously hot crisp, offering it to passers-by in a viral TikTok video

In the clip, which racked up over 8.2 million views, he offered one woman £100 to eat ‘the world’s hottest chip’

The volunteer finally got to have a cooling drink after successfully completing the task  

‘You have already gone five minutes what’s five minutes more. Take his £100, look what he has done to you, take the money.’

Taking off her jacket the woman, who looked like she was in a lot of pain said: ‘How is it getting worse. You know you think recklessly, I didn’t think twice before doing this. In life think twice before you do s***.’

She managed to complete the task and Omer gave her the £100 in cash.

When he asked if it was worth it, she replied: ‘Maybe, I’m off to buy some make-up because my make-up is smudged.’

Many rushed to the comments to leave their own thoughts with many praising her.

Many rushed to the comments to leave their own thoughts with many praising her. While others were impressed with the onlooker’s encouragement that spurred her on

One person said: ‘Out of all the videos I’ve seen of ppl doing this challenge she probably handled it the best. She deffo deserves that £100.’

Another said: ‘Whoever you are girl, you’re a star! love it.’

Someone else wrote: ‘She handled that so well.’

While others were impressed with the onlooker’s encouragement that spurred her on.

One person said: Love the girl cheering her on.’

Another said: ‘That girl on the bench when she said, you’re a woman you have been through more pain.’

Someone else wrote: ‘I love the lady saying you can do it you are a woman you have being through pains and broken heart. You will give birth one day. Am so proud of the lady.’

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