Should I tell my ex’s new girlfriend that he wants me as his bit on the side? | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: SHOULD I tell my cheating ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend that he’s asked me to be his bit on the side? I don’t want her to suffer like I did.

I’m 23, he is 29. I don’t know how old his new girlfriend is, but he likes younger women. 

When we met online I had no idea he was still seeing other women.

When I found out, I ended the relationship as I’m looking for a committed partner.

That only seemed to make him more keen. He told me the sex he’d had with me was the best he’d ever experienced, and he didn’t want to give it up.

Stupidly, as we have so much chemistry, and I was single, I agreed to  see him on a casual basis.

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To be fair, the sex was amazing.

Then he told me he had a new girlfriend and asked if I could be his secret affair.

I got really upset and he said I shouldn’t be emotional about it, as we weren’t in a relationship.

He seems to have no guilt. He doesn’t believe in monogamy.  But I don’t think it’s fair and I’ve said I won’t sleep with him any more. I have too much self-respect.

But I know if it’s not me, there will be someone else soon.

I’m certain his new girlfriend thinks she’s found a wonderful man.

Should I tell her what he’s really like? Otherwise, the cycle of hurt he’s causing will just continue. 


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DEIDRE SAYS: You could track her down and tell her, but that will simply drag you back into a situation you’ve finally walked away from.

She’ll be hurt, he’ll be angry, and you won’t be able to move on.

Will that really help anyone? 

I wouldn’t advise interfering in their relationship. She may not even believe you, or think you want him for yourself. 

And he’s had enough of your time and thought already.

Read my support pack on Addictive Love, which details this type of unhealthy relationship, and try to find someone who deserves your time and love.

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