Woman, 51, dies just weeks before her wedding to 'love of her life'

‘Radiant and beautiful’ woman, 51, dies just weeks before her wedding to the ‘love of her life’ after ‘complications following routine operation’

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A woman who has been described as ‘radiant, beautiful and positive’ by her heartbroken family and friends has died just weeks before her wedding to the ‘love of her life’. 

Grandmother-of-three Angela Gillies, 51, from Inverness, was due to tie the knot with Kevin Pratt on September 23 at the picturesque Nethybridge Hotel in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park.

But she tragically passed away on August 20, one week before her 52nd birthday, after being admitted to the intensive care unit following a routine operation at Raigmore Hospital on August 18.

The mother-of-two, who met her fiancé ‘a little later in life’, suffered from fibromyalgia, which causes widespread and increased sensitivity to pain, along with muscle stiffness, difficulty sleeping and headaches.

It’s remains unclear exactly what caused Angela’s death. NHS Highland told MailOnline: Due to patient confidentiality we do not comment on individual cases’. 

Grandmother-of-three Angela Gillies, 51, from Inverness, was due to tie the knot with Kevin Pratt (pictured together) on September 23 at the picturesque Nethybridge Hotel in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park

Her devastated family have told of their heartbreak at the sudden loss, paying tribute to Angela online.

Her fiancé Kevin wrote on Facebook: ‘I am just so heartbroken and devastated… I am going to miss all my road trips with this special lady and our adventures.

‘I promised my beautiful fiancée that I will be there for her lovely mum and dad… and her courageous sons and [their] partners.’

He continued: ‘We have gained our three beautiful grandchildren. They will get us through this difficult time in our lives.’ 

‘I will love my fiancée for the rest of my life,’ he concluded the post, which included a photo of Kevin and Angela together. 

A friend of Angela’s, Helen Duncan, also set up a GoFundMe page to help the late grandmother’s family with the funeral costs.

She described Angela as a ‘radiant person’ who had an ‘amazing smile and an unmistakable laugh that would fill you with joy.’

Helen added: ‘Angela would do anything for family and friends. Even when she was debilitated through fibromyalgia, she was still there for loved ones.

But she tragically passed away on August 20, one week before her 52nd birthday, after being admitted to the intensive care unit following a routine operation at Raigmore Hospital on August 18

‘Angela loved life.  Her love of all things Disney and Christmas definitely kept her young. That air of innocence and excitement you get with children. Angela had that.

‘She had so much love for others, was excited by others accomplishments and saddened by others hurt.

‘Angela was always so positive and excited. When I went through hell, she always had kind words and care. When I recently got married, she sent me the loveliest message. “A heart of gold” is too cliche.’

Helen described how Angela was ‘truly meant to be’ with Kevin, adding: ‘Their love for each other was radiating and they were both so clearly happy.’

The friend explained that Angela had gone for a ‘routine op on the 18th, no biggie – only meaning her hen do was to be postponed from that weekend, but there were complications and on the 19th, she was admitted to ICU in Raigmore Hospital.

The mother-of-two, who met her fiancé ‘a little later in life’, suffered from fibromyalgia, which causes widespread and increased sensitivity to pain, along with muscle stiffness, difficulty sleeping and headaches

‘Sadly, she did not pull through and her family and friends have been left devastated,’ Helen added. ‘A groom without his bride, sons without their mum, grand babies without their doting granny and parents without their only and loving child. Family was everything to Angela.’

Helen then asked those reading for help with the funeral costs, explaining: ‘With all the expense of a planned wedding, weeks away, adding a funeral cost won’t be easy, I’m sure.

‘I ask, if you can, to donate to help Kevin and family to not worry about anything financial and allow them to do what they must do – grieve for Angela. She has left a massive hole in their lives, and they need to only concentrate on dealing with that.

‘I know everyone struggles right now, so please don’t feel bad if you can’t. Please know that life is short – you have no idea when it’s your time.

‘Life live to the fullest, do what Angela did when she could, and have adventures. Throw yourselves into your family and friends and take care of yourself.’

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