Woman is embarrassed by her partner who won't buy items at full price

Woman admits she’s embarrassed by her ‘cheapskate’ boyfriend because he never buys anything at full price

  • She took to Reddit to share her frustrations with her ‘cheapskate’ boyfriend
  • The poster can’t come to terms with her partner’s love for a bargain 
  • Comments are divided – what do you think? 

An American women has taken to Reddit to share her frustrations with her ‘cheapskate’ boyfriend who never buys anything at full price.

Posting in the ‘r/AmItheA**hole’ thread, she wanted to find out if she was in the wrong for being put off by her partner’s spending habits.

The pair have been dating for around four months and she describes him as ‘cute, smart and very successful’. 

Though, she can’t come to terms with his love for a bargain and is often left ‘mortified’ and ’embarrassed’ by the behaviour.

It’s caused the couple arguments but the original poster says her friends don’t understand the issue. 

The full post reads: ‘We’ve been dating for about 4 months and mostly it’s been good. He’s cute, smart, and very successful. 

A women has taken to Reddit to share her frustrations with her ‘cheapskate’ boyfriend who never buys anything at full price

She said ‘He plans his cooking around what’s on sale that week at the grocery stores. All of his clothes were bought on sale or clearance, even his socks and boxers’

‘The only downside is that he’s almost addicted to buying things that are on sale or have coupons despite being a VP at his company. I’m not talking about sometimes or even most of the time, I would be alright with that. He never buys anything at full price. NEVER!

‘He plans his cooking around what’s on sale that week at the grocery stores. All of his clothes were bought on sale or clearance, even his socks and boxers. 

‘Last week we were at my friend’s house for dinner and she commented on his shirt. He proudly said he got it on clearance last year for $20. I was mortified. 

‘Lastly, we don’t go to any restaurant unless he finds a coupon or they’re running some kind of special.’

She continued ‘Things came to ahead last night when we went out to dinner. 

‘He had a digital coupon for buy one get one free. For some reason, the restaurant’s computer didn’t recognize the deal and the poor cashier couldn’t make it work. 

‘We were holding up the crowded line because he refused to pay for both dinners. Finally the cashier called the manager but he was busy somewhere else in the restaurant. 

‘While we waited, the people behind us were getting annoyed. I was so embarrassed I left him standing in line by himself and went to the car.

Some people who responded to the thread agreed with the original poster or simply thought the pair were not compatible

‘We argued the entire drive home. We were supposed to go to the movies, because he got free tickets, but I wasn’t in the mood so he dropped me off. We haven’t texted today at all.

‘When I talked to my friends at brunch, they didn’t see a problem with it and I found it frustrating that they didn’t understand how embarrassing it is. Am I TA or is this normal?’

Some people who responded to the thread agreed with the original poster or simply thought the pair were not compatible.

One person wrote ‘They really don’t sound compatible. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who makes a good living and yet is literally unwilling to go to a restaurant or buy ingredients for a meal at full price. 

‘Saving money is great but I want to live my life. OP, he’s not going to change, and that doesn’t make him a bad person but if it bothers you then there’s no future here.’

Someone else said ‘being thrifty is fine, but when it’s an around the clock obsession with deals and pinching pennies it becomes exhausting, especially when it affects you as the partner.

‘My ex was like that, he had plenty of money but would insist on us sleeping in the car instead of getting a hotel room for the night, cooking at home and never eating out, wearing a clothing item until it was absolutely ragged. 

However, lots of commenters on the thread were on the boyfriend’s side, arguing that ‘stuff is expensive right now’ so ‘he’s being money smart and frugal’

‘I mostly went along with what he wanted but sometimes he’d massively inconvenience us both, just to save some money. It’s frustrating, I feel ya. (And not a trait that’s likely to change).’

Another said ‘ You guys are just incompatible. He’s not wrong for wanting to save, you’re not wrong for not wanting to hold up a gigantic line of people for a coupon.

‘ Just different life approaches. And you will drive each other nuts with this if you don’t discuss and come up with a compromise.

‘Maybe his clothes and groceries are free for all couponing, but occasionally dinners out can be full price’.

However, lots of commenters on the thread were on the boyfriend’s side, arguing that ‘stuff is expensive right now’ so ‘he’s being money smart and frugal.’

Someone wrote ‘What’s so terrible about that? As long as he’s never rude or demanding to retail staff, he’s smart to chase the best deal on everything’.

Another added sarcastically ‘Omg, not a shirt on clearance!! Why didn’t you just pay for the dinner if you were so worried about the line of annoyed folks?’

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