EastEnders star reveals 'unapologetic' Cindy's evil side will return

Cindy Beale’s (Michelle Collins) highly anticipated return to EastEnders is growing ever closer and we have been left wondering if the character will still be as scheming as she once was.

Cindy has never been a saint, having cheated on husband Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) numerous times before hiring a hitman to have him killed. Talk about marriage troubles!

Despite their hiccups, Ian and Cindy are now back together, and are set to return to the Square in upcoming episodes.

Having been away for 25 years, there is a lot for us to catch up in terms of where Cindy has been and what she has been up to, with actress Michelle Collins admitting that she is a different person now to who she once was.

‘Cindy has been through a lot in her life. She’s been away for 25 years. To go through, if we look at it properly and be serious about it, things that have happened in her life,’ Michelle explained.

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‘She went under witness protection. She had to have a new life and be a completely different person. I’m amazed that she’s still going after everything she’s been through in her life, that she has this amazing resilience and this strength of character.

‘But I think she also has a side to her that was lacking when she was younger, maybe a bit more empathy than she had before. She’s kind of a bit older and wiser… I don’t know about the wiser bit. I suppose a little bit like I am, in a sense.

‘All the experience you gain in life, that’s going to make you a different person. And the things that she’s been through. She’s certainly no walk over! I’d say she’s very emotional because of everything she’s been through, and I can’t say too much that’s happened but there’s a lot of emotional stuff going on there, and she is really challenged by things that happen.’

So it seems the new Cindy may have a softer side to her, but fear not, Cindy Beale stans, for Michelle assures us that we will see aspects of the old Cindy return.

‘You can definitely expect bits of the old Cindy to come back,’ Michelle teased. ‘I also think that people would be a little bit disappointed if they didn’t have the old bits. She’s the kind of person that’s not going to sit at home and knit, I don’t think.

‘In a way, she was a character that women hated her but they kind of wanted to be her, because of the way she behaved. She was unapologetic, in a time when women on TV weren’t really portrayed that way. So, I think that’s why she literally got away with murder! [Laughs].

‘People like that side of her. She was the bad girl, wasn’t she? But, if you’re going to have the bad girl, you’ve got to make it three-dimensional, otherwise, it’s boring. I do think there are traits of her old character there, which, again, I think is what people want.’

Michelle went on to explain what motivates Cindy’s actions as she returns, revealing that her children play a big part.

‘You definitely saw a softer side to her in the France episodes, I think. The slightly more vulnerable side. But she does gain momentum and a lot more strength as time goes on I think really.

‘She just wants to do what’s right, I think. And, despite what people say, she does love her kids, and she would do anything she can. She’s been put in situations where she hasn’t been able to control that, but she’s always done what she thought was right at that time.’

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