The longest-living people on earth swear by 11 simple diet rules every day | The Sun

MANY of world's longest-living people are gathered in regions of Japan, Costa Rica, Italy, Greece, and California – the so-called 'Blue Zones'. People in these spots have been the subjects of countless pieces of research and often live to 100. From Ikaria in Greece, Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia in Italy, to Loma Linda in California and Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, scientists have spotted many similarities […]

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I woke up to my baby coughing – minutes later it stopped and I found him dead next to his twin brother | The Sun

A MUM found her baby lying dead next to his twin brother after developing what appeared to be a cold. Harley Cunningham, 39, has described the “stabbing pain” she still experiences from the grief of losing son James and seeing his twin Edwards who looks "exactly like him". In the early hours of a morning in February 2020, Surrey-based Harley screamed […]

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We live in a village paradise – now it's been SOLD to billionaire family for £16m… we fear we’re going to be homeless | The Sun

RESIDENTS who live in a village paradise fear they could end up homeless after it was SOLD to a billionaire family for £16million. Seventy one people from Trevalga, a Cornish village near the famous tourist attraction Tintagel and lying within the Duchy of Cornwall, are worried their quiet way of life could be ruined. The hamlet has been acquired by […]

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Horoscopes: Your stars for this week by Sally Brompton

Horoscopes: Your stars for this week by Sally Brompton Sally Brompton warns Librans to be careful not to tempt fate this week READ MORE:  I’m an astrologer and I want to debunk some common myths about different star signs – Geminis get a hard time LIBRA   24 Sept-23 Oct  With energetic Mars in your sign for a few more days, you feel […]

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