UK hospitals sign up to be graded by trans charities in bid to 'erase women' | The Sun

DOZENS of hospitals across Britain have signed up to be graded by trans charities — which mark them down for using words such as “mother” and “woman”.

Trusts are judged by woke groups as part of an NHS Rainbow Badge Scheme and rewarded for dropping “gendered language”.

MPs want ministers to step in after 77 trusts joined the scheme — which also sees them score points for referring to maternity patients as “clients”.

Hospitals get rewarded for gender-neutral toilets and asking patients about their pronouns.

The scheme is run by trans rights lobbying groups such as Stonewall and the LGBT Foundation, who carry out the grading.

NHS England has agreed a £220,00 deal with the charities.


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Former Cabinet minister Ranil Jayawardena said: “It seems the NHS is willing to erase women so they can please radical ideologically-driven campaign groups.

"Ministers must step in.”

The scheme was initially set up for NHS staff to support LGBT people by wearing an enamel pin badge.

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