The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden review

The story of an ageing bachelor who is persuaded by his housekeeper to marry the teenage daughter of his neighbour, it is a lean, enigmatic drama about the intoxicating allure of physical beauty.

Played in the austere house style – no set, great costumes (one eye-popping scene excepted) and atmospheric lighting, sound design and music – it is directed by Paula Paz in both Spanish with surtitles and English (the translation by Caridad Svich maintains the poetic rhythm of the Spanish).

Suffused with a whispering sensuality that is mesmerising, it carries an erotic charge rarely found in contemporary theatre.

A must for Lorca completists and highly recommended for adventurous theatregoers.

The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden, Cervantes Theatre until November 25 Tickets: 020 3633 4406

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